Friday, March 27, 2009


I really don't get why everybodys making such a big deal about Rihanna's new tattoo. So she got guns tattooed on her? What's the big deal? What cause she was just in the news for the whole her and Chris Brown thing? Like leave the girl alone I'm sure other celebrities have tattoo's that are more violent than that. I think it looks cute:
Oh and I'm so sick of all these Chris Brown groupies saying that "she deserved it" and "she probably started it" like I know we don't know exactly what went on in the car with her and him but I think it's pretty ridiculous that they're saying she deserved it. Would you want to get beaten up by your boyfriend and have your life threatened?! I don't think so! Just because you sweat Chris Brown doesn't mean you should say what he did was right because "she started it/deserved it" It's just not right, a man should never hit a woman so they really need to stop with all that stuff.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dane Cook/Dave Chapelle

Watch these video's! Madd funnyy :)

Dane Cook [ Nestle Quick / Kool-aid )

Dave Chapelle ( Lil Jon skit ]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Twilight [ the movie )

I didn't see Twilight when it came out in theaters but I did hear how everyone says that they left out madd parts of the book and that the acting was bad. I honestly didn't think the acting was bad really at all. Maybe in some parts but Bella is supposed to be an awkard character anyways I mean she's always falling down and bumping into things so I don't think Kristen Stewart should be criticized for that. But I do agree that they left out too many parts. Obviously most books are better than movies because usually they change the movie from the book. I think they should've made Twilight longer just because since they left out soo many parts you don't even get to see Edward and Bella actually fall in love. Like all the sudden they're just madly in love with eachother. Like what?! All of the Harry Potter movies were madd long and just like the books (atleast I think so) so why couldn't they do that with Twilight? It's not like they never made long movies before cuz theres all the Star Wars movies and Harry Potter. I just felt like not much really happened in the movie. I mean I guess nothing really big happens in the book either, except them falling in love and Bella's bad luck with the bad vampires (don't wanna spoil it if you haven't seen or read it) so I think that it would've been even better if they showed how they did fall in love but overall I did love it cuz I'm in love with the books. I can't wait for the rest of them to be made into movies I think these ones will be alot better and more action packed and stuff. I'm excited :)

President Obama

So last night I was watching Obama give his speech on tv and everytime I watch him it makes me like him even more. I hate that I'm not 18 because I so would've voted for him. Maybe if he runs again after his term is up I'll get to vote with him, if I still like him this much lol. He just seems so down to earth and like he cares about people. So much more relateable than other presidents, atleast in my opinion. Maybe it's because he's the youngest president we've had since JFK? Who knows, I just know I like him. One thing I don't think is fair is that people aren't really realizing that he's only been in office for about 60 days, give the man a break it's gonna take time to fix 8 years of damage. Atleast he cares about his people, saying that he wants to create programs to make sure homelessness decreases because he says everybody deserves to have a roof over his head. Which makes me think of that day at one of his speeches when an older women spoke up about how she was having problems because of the economy if I remember correctly and he actually was going to do something to help her. Would Bush do this if someone asked him? Probably not. On another note, I think it's annoying how people are so critical about what our president and first lady are wearing. It's not like their being unproffesional and walking around in say sweat pants and wife beaters. Like leave the man alone, he's doing his job. So what if he doesn't have a tie and full suit on all the time? And Michelle shouldn't be criticized for wearing sleeveless outfits and anything else she wears. She always looks nice, so what's the problem?? She's not an old lady like past first ladies were, why should she have to dress like one? Last I wish I was an Obama just so I could have a swingset (like I used to lol) and a puppy! Alrightyy well thats it for now.